S1 Budget Updates

Eli Cash - contributing reporter

Alright Hardball Stitches fans, as we near the Arbitration deadline. Every case has already been resolved but we still have plenty of movement on the trade market. Let's pause and take a quick look at some different budget numbers. We'll look at Free Agent budget remaining, possible IFA spending, and Future Commitments; which will typically be covered in our On The Books series.

First we'll tackle the upcoming Free Agent market. Now being our first season it's not always easy to tell, but we have indicators of who will be looking at the International market as well. At the top of the list is Salt Lake City being able to afford nearly two max deals; and given their minimum prospect budget - I fully expect them to go hard in Free Agency. There are 9 other teams who can still afford a max deal and it's widely assumed that Koji Katou will get just that as the top name on the market. The home town favorite Indianapolis might just have the edge on everyone there. But which pitcher gets the money - will it be Louie Vizquel or Javier Nieves; both of whom will give Montgomery a Type A pick. With the control issues of many other "top" arms, keep an eye on Anthony Crow as a contender to get paid. Texas currently has the least amount of wiggle room with just $4.3M left to spend. Tacoma is not far behind them; but having been late to the waiving party - they expect to clear some budgets off their books as well. 

And now for the ever expensive International Market, where no team (besides maybe Fresno and Scranton - for legal reasons we are not allowed to comment on this any further) has more than $15M in scouting the international market. We've taken into account budgets that can be transferred and while we do not have access to everyone's books; we feel we are within a rounding error of the numbers. Indianapolis is #1 - though if you take off their $30M spend on Katou, they have left with a max of just shy of $30M; falling them down outside the top 12. A few things to take into considering are the quantity of Rule 4 draft picks that some times will likely spend on - like Montgomery mentioned above. With extra Type A and comp rounds picks; they will clearly have less to spend internationally. St. Louis falls within the top 12 but having only budgeted $6M for prospects its very likely they only spend on the Rule 4 draft. 

And finally for our On The Books update, Colorado Springs comes in as the big spender with no fear of committing to the future - having $127M already cooked in its books. Up there are Syracuse, Buffalo, and Scranton - all above $100M. Down on the, likely never getting married because they can't even mto having a dog; is Vancouver, Nashville, Arizona, and Durham. The former three all have high scouting as well.