S1 Teams - AL South

Jack Torrance - contributing reporter

Alright fans, with the AL and NL North both reviewed, we'll jump to the AL South. But before we cover the teams in more depth, the owners agreed to be randomly sorted within their division. To keep this fair, we went over to our friends at Random.org and listed the teams in the order they joined the world - another words, the order they would have selected in. Since the idea originated with New Orleans (I'm still not convinced he wasn't drunk when he came up with the idea), we decided to use the number of times (28) he has been to the playoffs in his HBD career and used that number to randomize the list. Here are the final results. They will sort in order they appear on the team selection windows. 

Durham (mike22182)
Montgomery (TheManUtley)
New Orleans (Avalanche313)
Texas (Gorangers16)

Stay tuned for their player and team reviews.