S1 Upcoming ML Rookies

 Amy Amanda 'Triple A' Allen - contributing reporter

Hello Hardball Stitches fans, Jessica appears to have the Major League covered in her recent Top Players series, but let's take a look at some of the names still in the minors that could make a difference this season. For now we'll cover those ready for promotions, but there are plenty who will make an impact by being traded for ML talent. All positions listed are based upon currently positions within their franchise - the blog is not responsible for you not looking at their glove to know where they actually belong. In future years we'll provide thoughts on players, but this year there are far too many ready for the big leagues that we'll just break them down into a single list. 
And that's just the position players, let's take a look at the pitchers. We had to stop the list somewhere, there are plenty that appear to be ready or close to ready for the majors.